Benefits to having a business

Imagine sitting in your own office and being the boss. You name on the door or on the wall. How does that make you feel ? Do you think you can handle all the ups and downs of being the boss or a business owner?

There are many highly valued and unexpected benefits of running your own business. They rarely get mentioned, but they are always there, like the long hours or travel time. Many entrepreneurs will tell you that sometimes these hidden benefits are worth more than the business itself. One of the most valuable and unexpected benefits are the deep, lifelong friendships that can be forged with people in the business world. The same like minded people you build with and grow your business. Sometimes they might even be half a world away and you still can have a strong bond with them. Many of these kinds of relationships will be created, nurtured and sustained without ever meeting them face to face, our world now because of the pandemic in 2020, has shown us that we can still build everything with remote learning and remote work.

Here are some benefits to owning your own business and why we need them.

The Mastermind Group

One of the coolest things you can create together is a mastermind group. this is where a small group of like minded individuals meet on a regular basis and discuss their own issues of the day. they use the collective wisdom of the group to resolve issues, create philosophies, and discuss strategies. Everyone in the group benefits in one way or another and the camaraderie created has a phenomenal power to it. You can learn so much, so quickly, with your mastermind group. Everyone in any kind of business can benefit from it.

Studies have shown that frequent engagement, discussions, and participation with fellow entrepreneurs can accelerate your progress dramatically. That’s why mastermind groups are so popular. You can tap directly into the collective wisdom of the group to resolve any issue or create new ideas. A mastermind group will also bring you all kinds of new perspectives and philosophies, which you might want to adapt as your own. These alone can change ever aspect of your life completely. A mastermind group brings all the good and bad together and helps you filter out what you can do differently to then be different.

Next is Confidence

This is something more of personal skill that develops with time because of all your interactions and learning. This skill will change your life for the better because you will have the ability to start conversations with people in any circumstance. Your business will be a starting point of conversation and you might even surprise yourself to being a public speaker and present in front of an audience. The common denominator in all these things is confidence. Having this skill is probably the greatest asset you can have. This will lead to a joyful and prosperous life because money cannot buy this, it’s something you create in yourself. You can only acquire it from doing. You simply have to practice and keep going, even with failure you, you have to learn and go. One example that I learned myself with business is the simple doing of book keeping. I never knew about budgets or keeping track of spending, but I learned by doing and everyday learning new things.

I wanted to learn my own business and I had to fully engage in it, to fully understand all the principles and elements. Then my own confidence started to grow and I wasn’t distracted or knocked off course by things that happen in business. This is the same about decision making , organizing, planning, setting goals, and so on. You just have to do it and do it often to then do it well. In time those small steps lead to big accomplishments. We all start from level zero, and the faster you start the faster you can get that momentum and grow.

Here is another video to try and see which online business you can do from home and alone. Start with something you are passionate about and with a small group to help you grow faster.

Be the R3BEL.

Kleber Villon

Passionate and Easy Going Person to bring your ideas to light.

Helping everyone find that R3BEL inside.

Be the R3BEL.

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